Clean, Warm, and Impactful: The Benefits of Clothing Donations

Those experiencing homelessness often have an urgent need for suitable clothing, especially during cold Chicago weather. Thousands of used clothing items are donated to Pacific Garden Mission annually to meet these needs.

Our hearts swell with gratitude as we reflect on the many ways clothing donations make a difference in the lives of our guests.

Restoring Dignity

For those experiencing homelessness, access to clean and appropriate clothing is often a challenge. Clothing, contributed by so many faithful donors, restores a sense of dignity, allowing our guests to present themselves with greater confidence.

Weathering the Elements

Clothing serves as a barrier against the elements, protecting our guests from harsh weather conditions. The warm coats, sturdy shoes, and weather-resistant gear generously provided by donors are lifelines, ensuring our guests stay safe and healthy.

Expanded Opportunities

With appropriate attire, guests enrolled in PGM New Life and other programs can access employment opportunities and participate in training sessions, taking steps toward a brighter future.

Financial Relief

For those struggling financially, the cost of clothing can be prohibitive. Clothing donations alleviate this economic burden, freeing up resources for other essential needs like housing, food, and transportation.

As we continue our mission to provide shelter, nourishment, and the life-changing Gospel message to our guests, we extend our deepest appreciation to the generous donors who make this possible. Your contributions are a tangible expression of the love of Jesus Christ to those who so desperately need Him.

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