President’s Message

“He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the LORD.” -Jeremiah 22:16 KJV

Often, when we think of those who are poor or in need, we think in physical terms—food, shelter, and clothing. Though this is true, many people’s needs go beyond the physical. Some require emotional help for challenges like estrangement from family, domestic disputes, or abuse that was never addressed.

I was reminded of this recently when a woman who was with us for a number of months was reunited with her daughter. I was standing in the hall when I heard screams of joy and shouts of happiness. A young woman that had been desperately searching for her lost mother was reunited with her mom. This young woman had contacted authorities and searched in different states to find her mother, who had disappeared. She came across a piece of mail with our address on it and thought she might be there.

Upon entering the Mission, she found out her mother, indeed, was a resident, and as she came to meet her, their reunion was heartwarming and enthusiastic. They walked down the hallway arm in arm as the young woman told her mom she was taking her home; she cleaned out her locker and drove away with a happy end to her story.

So many who reside here have needs that go beyond the physical, and I am thankful we have a staff that is sensitive to their needs and willing to spend the time and minister to them. I recently saw a Palestinian man that resides here; during COVID, he was told that he tested positive for COVID, and he thought he was going to die. So he decided to call his son in Israel, whom he had not spoken to in 30 years, and say goodbye. He did call, they reunited, and he did not die. They have a relationship today, and he is so thankful he made the call.

I want to thank our wonderful Lord and you, our donors, for making PGM a place of hope and a refuge in times of trouble.

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