“PGM–An Oasis and a Refuge”

President’s Message

“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” –Psalms 27:10 KJV

Recently, one of our residents shared his moving story with me: “As I looked back to when I was a baby two weeks old, I was given up for adoption. I was given to a family, to a man who did not want me, but because of the compassion and promise of a Godly wife, he was left with no choice. As a child, I was bullied by my brothers, and as a teenager, I was beaten by my sister’s husband. I would wonder why my life turned out this way. The whole family decided to move to the US, and I was left behind. By that time, I felt so unloved, alone, and confused over why my life was this way, and I questioned God. When I became an adult, I was ambitious and skilled as a barber, but I still felt alone and unloved. But now, O Lord, I know why. This whole time, I had a Father in heaven who loved me and was equipping me to be one of His disciples. Now my heart is full, and I know I’m not alone.”

This was written by one of our residents who has found peace with Jesus Christ. It is easy to lose individual stories in the mass of humanity we minister to every day, but when I hear their stories, it reminds me of why we are here and what we do. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support in making Pacific Garden Mission not just a shelter but a home for those needing help. The city has a million stories, but God has directed some of them here so they can find purpose and meaning. Your support has made that possible.

Your love, encouragement, and prayers touch the lives of the hurting and needy among us in countless ways. We are forever grateful.

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