PGM: A Beacon of Hope

Pacific Garden Mission stands as a beacon of hope and transformation, a sanctuary where individuals find solace, support, and the transformative power of the Gospel. Sampson Green's journey highlights the profound impact this Mission has. From homelessness to leadership within the Mission, Sampson's testimony resonates with the essence of Pacific Garden Mission—a place where despair is replaced with hope and lives are rebuilt through faith in Jesus Christ. As we reflect on Sampson's journey and the countless others who have found refuge within these walls, we extend our deepest gratitude to the donors whose generosity makes this Mission possible.

Sampson Green

“I came in homeless. I joined the men’s Bible program and graduated in 1996. I started working here in the PGM security department. Later, I became a counselor and then the men’s Bible program director. Today, I am the Mission’s chaplain, and I just thank God for using me here at this place. This has been the ultimate service to God for me at Pacific Garden Mission, helping people how they had helped me.

“After being here 27 years, the one thing that stands out more than any is the Gospel. The Gospel is being preached here consistently, and men’s and women’s lives are transformed through it. That is the greatest thing. Seeing some of the men and women who come in our doors and do not receive the Gospel, even though they hear it, is challenging for all of us—knowing that true transformation from their situation is through the Gospel. We pray daily here at the Mission that the Gospel is heard and received and lives are changed.

“I have faced some challenges since being saved and working here, but just watching and knowing God is with me and seeing how He uses me even in the midst of challenges gives my life hope, meaning, and purpose.”

“I believe many people are just one paycheck from being homeless. All it takes is one incident for them to find themselves in this same situation. Ending up in this situation isn’t final because I came through these doors myself homeless, and coming through these doors and hearing the Gospel transformed my life. I have been married now for 27 years. I have my own home. I have a career in ministry. So it can absolutely change your life.

“We all struggle. Whether it be financially, physically, or spiritually. So, we all struggle, and there is no real difference between those who have a home and those who do not. The one thing that is constant is that all of us need Jesus. Whether you are saved or lost, rich or poor, or have a home or don’t, we all need Jesus. Sin doesn’t have any respect of person. We all need a Savior to help us with our sins.

“When you look at our homeless, there are people with PHDs in their pockets. We have had doctors and lawyers who are homeless here at Pacific Garden Mission. People from every walk of life have come here for help. Those who donate and serve help them regain their dignity. I have seen men smile because they got a pair of socks. So, when that donor gave the pair of socks, and that person put them on his feet, it just made the difference. People are asking God for help every day and receiving that help through those who support us.

“I thank God for our volunteers. I thank God for those who donate and give to Pacific Garden Mission and have compassion for those in need, regardless of whether they are saved or not. It is always good for them to come down and see what and who they are giving to. Once you come and see, you can experience what God is doing with the materials and money you provide. It is just a fantastic thing to see.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
—James 5:16 KJV

“People can support Pacific Garden Mission in many ways, including financially (to keep the lights on, for food and staff), praying too that the Gospel is continuously preached here . . . that God maintains His compassion through us. We have a saying here at PGM: ‘Much prayer, much power, little prayer, little power,’ and for us to complete what God wants us to do, we need prayer. We can’t settle for what is just here now but need to look towards the future.

“God has done so much in my life, even now. It is not just something that happened back when I first got saved, but even now. For the last three years, I have gone through a lot of physical challenges with my health. Being here at Pacific Garden Mission, where we see so many coming in who have physical ailments, just seeing them persevere encourages me to do the same. I have seen so many men and women who have come here with diabetes or with cancer and various other kinds of things, but when they get here, they think this is a place of comfort. A place where they don’t have to worry, and when they hear the preaching and the testimonies of others, it encourages them.

It is the same when I walk in here as the chaplain, and I see men’s lives being transformed daily. It energizes me and gives me hope. I just had two toes removed because of diabetes, yet my faith in the Lord only increased through that challenge. This is what Pacific Garden Mission is all about: hope. Your hope just grows day by day. I have faced some challenges since being saved and working here, but just watching and knowing that God is with me and seeing how He uses me even in the midst of challenges gives my life hope, meaning, and purpose. This place is more than a shelter. It is a place where God dwells and I just thank Him for that.

In the face of adversity, Pacific Garden Mission stands unwavering, fueled by the collective support of donors, volunteers, and advocates who believe in its mission. Sampson Green’s story serves as a testament to the life-changing impact of this sanctuary. Here, the downtrodden find redemption, the broken discover healing, and the lost are guided toward a path of restoration. As we express our gratitude to the donors whose contributions sustain this vital work, let us also renew our commitment to prayer, support, and compassion, ensuring that Pacific Garden Mission continues to be a beacon of hope for generations to come.

Your gift will help more people like Sampson hear the Gospel and experience the life-changing power of Christ.

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