Mothers of the Mission

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” -James 1:27

When Sarah Dunn Clark and her husband started Pacific Garden Mission in 1877, she could not know the legacy she was leaving behind. The extent of the impact the Mission has had on people’s lives has been profound. As Mother's Day approaches, we thank our donors for ensuring this vulnerable group of mothers and children has a safe and supportive place to go for refuge.

Jesus calls on us to help the vulnerable, and at PGM we strive to do that daily. The mothers and children you see in these recent photos reflect just a few of the many we serve each year. The help you provide gives mothers a chance to take their focus from simply surviving to building a new life of sustained stability. Your support can change the direction of their lives in ways only God knows, but it is vitally essential and life-altering.

Help more mothers and children hear the life-changing Gospel with your gift today.

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