Ireen’s Story

She dreamed of working with the homeless—she didn’t imagine she would become one of them.

Facing instability, uncertainty, and fear daily are just a few of the exhausting and all-consuming feelings people facing homelessness can experience. The good news is there is hope, and you are a vital part of providing that hope. Stories like Ireen’s, which you will read next, would not be possible without you. We are grateful to you and our Lord Jesus Christ for changing lives.

“I am originally from Zambia, central Africa, and I came to the USA in 2000. In 2012 my work permit expired, and I couldn’t work anymore. I knew the Lord wanted me to go forward and not return home, so I stayed on my own and started spending my savings. After six months of not working, I ran out of money and had to stay with my sister.

“Because I was not working, I got frustrated having nothing to do. I always had the desire to help the homeless but never thought that one day I would find myself homeless, so I thought to myself I would rather go to the Mission. That is how I ended up coming to PGM.

“Knowing God is the best thing that can ever happen to anybody. I can never imagine my life without God. God is everything to me.”

“When I came into the Mission, I decided to join the program because I love the Lord and love to serve. Before you know it, three months, six months passed, and I was still here. I enjoyed the classes, and I have learned so much and found myself reading through the whole Bible for the first time, even though I have been a Christian for most of my life.

“When I came to PGM, I was at my lowest point; I never thought God was going to use PGM to give me help. I thank the LORD for giving me the privilege to serve Him here full time, now helping people who struggle with addictions. I thank the Mission for sending me to school and paying for my tuition. I am now a certified alcohol and drug counselor, and last month I became certified as a national anger management specialist.

“I have always had a heart for broken people. Working at PGM, I deal with the ladies fighting addictions. Depending on their situation, whether they don’t know Him because they have never heard of Him, or they don’t know Him because they choose not to, I would say give Him a try.

“The Lord made a way for me. I ended up getting married and now I have my own place, and I am very happy. Jesus is the answer. Without God, there is nothing anyone else can do. Knowing God is the best thing that can ever happen to anybody. I can never imagine my life without God. God is everything to me. As children of God, it doesn’t mean that you never have problems, but the difference is when you have God, you never have to walk through life by yourself. God will always be there, and if you have God, there is always hope. God made a way for me when there was no way out.”

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
—1 Corinthians 15:57

“I truly thank every donor that faithfully gives to PGM because, without the donors, PGM would not be operating. Therefore, anyone struggling with addictions, homelessness, or abusive relationships can come to PGM and get help. We believe that Jesus is the answer to all our struggles in life. One of my favorite Scriptures is John 8:36, which says, ‘If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.’ There’s true freedom in Christ!”

Ireen was helped at PGM and is now mentoring others daily. The sharing and spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are happening here only with your help. Thank you for being a part of this vital ministry and ensuring our stability and presence in the city of Chicago. We stand as a light in a dark place, and the love and support changing lives like Ireen’s is only possible with you and God.

Please give today so more men, women, and children can find the hope they need, starting with a warm meal and a safe place to sleep.

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