Bondage Broken! Freedom Found—and Now Shared!

As we begin a new year, we share the uplifting story of Theodore Jones. Today, he is the manager of the New Day Addiction Recovery Program here at PGM. Not so long ago, he was in a state of hopelessness and had absolutely nothing. Let his story of transformation and healing reveal the power of God—through your help—to change people’s lives. Theo is now a fully functioning follower of Christ and is happy and blessed for what God has done in his life.

Theodore Jones

“I vividly remember the day I first walked through the doors of PGM, and the first person I saw was Pastor Phil. When I saw him, he greeted me with such love it gave me hope. My name is Theodore Jones, and I am the manager of the New Day substance abuse program at Pacific Garden Mission.

“In 2013, I had been strung out on drugs and alcohol for over 20 years. My life was out of control. I lost everything and became homeless. I was suicidal. Everything I earned—all my resources—went to my addiction, and I had come to the point of brokenness and hopelessness.”

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

“When I came through the Bible program, I had no direction. I didn’t know for sure what I would do with my life. The program helped me to reconstruct my life, and God started working in my heart and renewing my thinking process. My desires changed. He took away the cigarettes, the drugs, and the alcohol. I came to the point of the career development phase in the Bible program, and I decided to return to school to get my master’s degree in addiction study.

“I had a passion for helping people work on overcoming addiction because I understood the bondage of addiction. I felt God had put that on my heart. I became a substance abuse counselor and eventually became the New Day substance abuse program manager. I could not believe what God had done in my life. The very things that had almost killed me—drugs and alcohol—God turned around, and now I am helping people overcome addiction.

“Most people see PGM as a homeless shelter and think ‘soup kitchen,’ but it is much more. We provide counseling sessions throughout the day. We work with people to deal with the core issues that cause them to continue this repetitive, addictive behavior. We deal with anger, low self-esteem, and abuse; we try to work with them to see the motivating factor that keeps them in that repetitious bondage.

“We help build their self-esteem and inspire them. A day here at PGM is a day of hope. It is all free; there is no charge. There are three meals a day, classes, we work with them, and love on them. One of the Scriptures that stands out to me when I think about God is 2 Corinthians 4:7. It is not us, but the power of Jesus Christ that is touching the lives of men and women to help them overcome addiction.

“When you come through our doors, you’re broken, you’re hurt, and in a state of hopelessness. What we want to do, first and foremost, is give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second, we want to let them know despite all they have been through, there is still hope in God, and we encourage and show them how God has helped others.

“As an employee for almost 10 years, I think about that day when I first walked through the door hopeless. I wanted to kill myself, I was suicidal. When I look in retrospect, and I look at today, it makes me understand with no doubt there is a God. I came here homeless with nothing, no place to stay, no clothing, with nothing. Today, I have my own condo, my own transportation. I am married and have a family, and when I look back where God has brought me, my heart just goes out to others because I know God can do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask for or even think. And my heart gets overwhelmed because it didn’t have to go this way, but by the grace of God, I have been set free.”

Theodore plays an important role today in many people’s recovery from drug addiction. He serves as a teacher, a counselor, and as a living witness and testament that God can indeed save someone from lifelong drug addiction. The situations that may seem hopeless today can be overcome through the power of God and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for helping to provide a sanctuary like PGM, a place that allows people like Theodore to share his uplifting story with those he encounters. Lives are being changed, and freedom is found.

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