Bethany’s Story

Discovering peace instead of pain . . .

As Mother’s Day approaches, we have a young mother’s hope-filled testimony of how she was made whole through Jesus Christ. You have helped Bethany begin a new life! Delivered from her afflictions, she has recently completed our free 90-day recovery program and gone home to be with her young daughter. We hope her story of redemption and freedom from addiction brightens your hearts and minds to the ongoing love and power of God’s work.

God is using your support to powerfully restore many lives at Pacific Garden Mission.


“I am Bethany, and I am from Tampa, Florida. I came to Pacific Garden Mission because of substance abuse. My drug of choice was alcohol. I knew it was becoming a problem because I would want to drink all day, every day. I was trying to numb the pain that was inside of me.

“Starting at the age of 12 I would self-harm. I wasn’t suicidal, but it felt like the pain was leaving me . The next day, I would see what I had done to myself and would promise I would not do it again, but I did.

“[As an adult], I also had been hospitalized several times because of my drinking. The last time I went, the doctors told my parents that I needed to stop, or I would cause my own death.

“I have a beautiful and intelligent nine-year-old daughter. I was in high school when I found out I was pregnant, so I was a young mom. At first, I didn’t see my drinking affecting my daughter. I didn’t realize how much it was affecting her until I had a clear mind.

“My dad was having heart issues, and he told me his heart could not handle what I, his daughter, was putting him through because he was so worried about me.

“I heard about this place from my dad. I decided to try it, and so I came all the way to Chicago to go to Pacific Garden Mission. I joined and completed the 90-day addiction recovery program. Being here helped me to not only forgive other people but also how to forgive myself. In the past I wasn’t happy with myself, because I thought it was my fault for things that happened to me in my life.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. —Proverbs 3:5-6

“The counselors at Pacific Garden Mission have helped me through a lot, and I have grown so much. At first it was kind of hard to have all of these feelings flow through you, all at once, because I was so used to drinking something to numb the feelings.

“I am not used to dealing with these emotions, but now I can turn to God and ask Him for humbleness. I’m nothing but grateful to have that. If I pray and talk to the Lord, it gives me humbleness and peace—instead of turning to a substance to deal with the pain.

“I know when I leave here, I am always going to have God. He has helped me through this. I pray to Him almost every day now to give me strength, and He really does. It’s a great feeling to know that if anything is going wrong in my life, I can just pray about it. Having a faith-based drug addiction program at PGM is really good. I don’t think I would have made it through if it wasn’t.

“I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders because anywhere I am, whether on the train or walking down the street, I can call upon the Lord. I am just really grateful for this experience; it was like I was drawn to it.”

As Bethany returns home to her family and daughter as a spiritually renewed woman, she can begin the life God wants for her. She has found a new life! Amelia, Bethany’s daughter, and the rest of Bethany’s family will now be able to have her back, made whole as a fully functioning follower of Christ.

You are helping mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters just like Bethany every day through your praying and giving! We ask you to pray for Bethany as she begins her new life and to pray for everyone within the walls of Pacific Garden Mission. Thank you for your continued support.

Please help support Pacific Garden Mission today so that more men and women can overcome drug abuse and have a chance at new life in Christ.

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